Wednesday, July 02, 2008

100 days of OLVL countdown: 100 - 97

Well, I'm kind-of late to start a 100-day countdown. But anyway, yes, we are less than 100 days away from the big O.

So, to anticipate its arrival, I thought I would post exam tips [or maybe reminders] every few days!

Well, actually, it's more of a reward for those who actually bother to read the class blog. So, yeah. I'm cheap in that way.

Today's tip:
[Combined Humanities / SBQ] Every purpose has HOPE.

The purpose of a source can be ONE of the following:
H- Highlight
O - prOve
P - Persuade [esp. those related to propaganda]
E - Explain

So, to answer a question on Inference, you can follow the following format [spot the redundancy]

  1. Answer the Question:
    "The Source tells me that ...inference..."
  2. Give Evidence:
    "I can see this from '....QUOTE....'. "
  3. Identify the Purpose:
    "The purpose of this source is to ...choose on of the 4 options of HOPE..."
Hope this helps!

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