Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Invites! Class Contacts!

In case you guys have super souped-up SPAM protection that blocks every single email sent to you,

I just sent out invitations to access the class contact list.

For around half the class, I have sent out the invites that allowed editing long ago, so for these people, please pester me to resend the invitation to access only if you need. I did not send anything to your inboxes.

It'll come as a Google Docs invitation, with a link that you'll click to verify your email which you use to log in to Google Docs.

I decided to use Google Docs because it's pretty secure, since I can lock it down so only 44 people can access the document. No such thing as strangers being able to access the sensitive private information [except for the Google guys at Silicon Valley, but even they have access to this blog, so heck]. Also, it lets people collaborate and edit, so I won't be the only person updating the changes [thanks Aaron!].

I sent out in bulks of less than 10 at a time, so as to avoid triggering SPAM filters. How did it go?

If you who did not receive the invitation, please let me know by email.
I have 4 people whom I did not send to, because their email address was not in the contact list: Vishnu, Matthew Tang, Melvin Tan, and Rakesh. If you guys have an email address, do let me know, so that I can send you guys the invitation to the contact list. If not, no worries. Aaron [if I'm not having hearing problems or memory problems] is going to print out the static, hard copy of the contact list. When he does, don't drop or lose this, especially not in public. The only place where you may lose the paper is in your locker, and at home. We won't want mysterious phone calls, do we?

For the people who can edit, I hope you guys can help me out by editing out the mistakes and updating the contact list, especially when someone moves house or changes handphone numbers. That'll be very helpful. As the saying goes: "With great power, comes great responsibilities", so please don't abuse it by making a mess of the contact list. It's a time-consuming 'project'. [Just ask Aaron.]

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